

Consulting / Engineering GmbH


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Program Management

Lizenz von Fotolia

Responsibility, planning, control and control of a large number of customer program developments or a customer platform with one or more different ZSB products, in particular taking into account the factors quality, costs and time

Responsible for the customer - related development of the programs or the platform within the budget and the Customer requirements with regular reporting of project progress to management

Implementing and managing overall budget planning over the total cost of the project.

Ensuring, coordinating and documenting the information flow associated with the program with all internal and external departments

Responsible for agreements on program objectives (cost, quality and timing) with all internal and external departments
Planning a team structure to ensure the complex program / project scope

Ensuring compliance Progam Management Guidelines
Monitor program budgets (investments, tools, and unit costs)
Monitor changes during the development process.

Defining and implementing customer and corporate goals and managing HR needs

Leading interdisciplinary project teams Conducting regular reviews.

Organize and lead regular team meetings and activity lists.
Escalation management in all escalation stages
Coordination of quality planning.

Performing acquisition activities in consultation with the Account Manager.

Main customer contact for the project. Evaluate, solve customer requirements.

Regular reporting to the management, etc. .....

We will gladly advise you and take over the implementation of the program management tasks for you ......

If you are interested, you can contact us


Mobil: +49 151 46461758


Practise areas:s:

Interim Management
Development Vehicle Construction PEP
Project Management
Supplier Development
Risk Management
Process Optimization
Process Relocation
Change Management
HR Management

Technical areas:

Vehicle construction PEP and process technology

Medical technology

Plastics technology

HW and SW Technology

Mechanical engineering

Special machine construction

Systems -materials handling

Electrical engineering

Precision engineering

Stamping - forming technology

Lean management

Kanban technology

We are happy to be at

your disposal for a

technical discussion!!!







  Andreas Maier Unternehmensberatung GmbH    //    Schlichemstr. 24   //    72365 Ratshausen   //   Tel. 07427.9477.105